Contact us

Want to contact us?

Our after-sales service is available and ready to answer all your questions by e-mail ( or via the following form that we invite you to complete. If this is an order already placed, please indicate your order number. We will provide you with a response within a maximum of 48 hours working days.

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    Your e-mail

    Order number (optional)

    Phone number (optional)

    Your message (optional)

    Please prove you are human by selecting the key.

    Are you a reseller ? A professional looking for flagship products?

    Ayat Perfumes, known for its distinctive fragrances, also offers semi-wholesale and wholesale options. Explore our range developed in the UAE by contacting our team for a personalized quote. We are here to help you meet your specific needs.

      Your name

      Your e-mail

      Company name (optional)

      Phone number (optional)

      Your message (optional)

      Please prove you are human by selecting the cup.